EOS Exposure of Components in the Soldering Process

EOS Exposure of Components in the Soldering Process
Examines the consequences of electrical overstress caused by electromagnetic interference on power lines and ground in the manufacturing environment.
Analysis Lab


Authored By:

Vladimir Kraz, OnFILTER, Inc.


This paper examines the nature; the consequences and the mitigation of electrical overstress (EOS) caused by electromagnetic interference (EMI), or electrical noise, on power lines and ground in manufacturing environment.


High-frequency signals on power lines and ground can cause high currents into sensitive devices during soldering resulting in electrical overstress and device damage. Proper analysis of the soldering environment, as well as any environment where conductive objects come in contact with the sensitive devices and implementation of preventive and corrective measures improves yield and reduces EOS-caused failures.

Initially Published in the IPC Proceedings


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