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Research & Technical Papers
Technical papers are pulled from the database at Circuitnet. SUBMIT
Research links are papers authored by your company that are hosted at Circuit Insight.
Preparation for Mitigating Tin Whiskers in Alternative Lead-Free Alloys
The understanding of the growth mechanism for tin whiskers and ...
Mitigating Tin Whiskers in Alternative Lead-Free Alloys
As lead-free alloys shift into high reliability electronics, the issue ...
Conformal Coating over No Clean Flux
The need to implement a tin whisker mitigation strategy has ...
Effectiveness of I/O Stencil Aperture Modifications on BTC Void Reduction
Many center pad voiding studies have focused on center pad ...
VOC Free Flux Study
The purpose of this study is to explain several factors ...
More Information
AIM is a leading global manufacturer of tin-lead and lead-free solder assembly materials for the electronics industry. Our product line includes solder paste, liquid flux, bar solder, cored and solid wire solder, preforms, adhesives, cleaners, chemicals, plating anodes, indium and gold alloys and more. AIM's product line also includes an extensive variety of lead-free solder alloys.

AIM offers manufacturing, distribution and support facilities located throughout the world. Recipient of many SMT industry awards, AIM is strongly committed to innovative research and the continual development of product and process improvement and providing customers with superior technical support, service and training worldwide.

AIM Solder

Supplier Update Form

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Maximum file size 5 meg in .jpg, .gif, .png or .pdf format.

Keywords and Phrases
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Keywords and phrases are used to improve search results.

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More Information Links
Your listings can include up to 10 website links. Provide the webpage title and hyperlink in the box below.

Social Media Links
Your listing may include links to your business Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube pages. Provide links in the box below.

Videos, Infographics, Charts, Images, PDF Documents
Your listings can include links to videos, PDF documents, infographics, charts or any large image containing useful information. Complete the fields below. To add additional videos, PDF documents or images to your listing, complete this form again.

Video/Image/PDF Title
Insert the title for this video, image or PDF document to display with your listing.

Video Path
We can link to videos hosted at YouTube, Vimeo or your website. Insert the full website path below.

Use the Logo / Image / PDF Document Upload section above to submit a logo, PDF document, infographic, chart or other image. Logos must be at least 300 pixels wide. Other images of charts, infographics etc. must be at least 600 pixels wide. Ideal image size is 600 pixels wide by 338 pixels high. Maximum file size 5 meg. Files types accepted include .jpg, .gif, .png and .pdf formats.

Video/Image Link
Insert the page path on your website for visitors who may seek more information about this video, infographic, chart or other image.

Update Confirmation
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Business Name

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Notes, requests or comments.

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Press Releases
Press releases are pulled from the database at Circuitnet. SUBMIT
Contact Information
US Headquarters
25 Kenney Drive
Cranston, Rhode Island 02920 USA
Phone: 401-463-5605, 401-463-0203

Social Media Links

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