Process Control and Reliability of Reworked BGAs

Process Control and Reliability of Reworked BGAs
The lead-free solder does not wet metal surfaces as well as tin-lead metallurgy. This narrows down the process window for lead-free solder.
Production Floor


Authored By:

Adrian Hirceaga
Ishrat Hasan
Creation Technologies
Mississauga, ON, Canada


One of the key aspects in electronics manufacturing is to ensure that the soldering specifications defined by the package manufacturers is fully implemented in production and a process is in place to maintain the reliability and repeatability of soldering.

When re-working or replacing a part due to manufacturing or part defect, the work is typically done by hand soldering, a manual process that is then verified by the operator through manual inspection.

In the case of BGA rework, it is a challenge to provide the same level of soldering conditions as the original soldering due to different architecture of the rework equipment.

This challenge is further compounded with the smaller footprint packages such as micro BGAs, QFNs and LGAs. Minimal amounts of solder in small packages and handling of parts on the re-work equipment reduces the process window.

It is important that a process control is in place to maintain the amount of solder paste and suitable re-flow condition to ensure a reliable reworked solder joint.

This paper discusses the work done in identifying the key features for the right BGA rework equipment and the aspects important for a reliable and repeatable rework process for BGAs and bottom termination components.

The work includes:

leaded and lead-free BGAs, achieving and replicating reflow conditions of a standard reflow oven in a BGA rework machine, working with or without solder paste, review of post reflow solder joint analysis


With the introduction of the BGAs and leadless bottom termination components, the BGA rework systems have become a very important piece of equipment which every manufacturer has to depend on, not only for repairing regular fall-out, but increasingly for providing independent localized BGA reflow, when mixed BGA/CSP packages are being used on the same board.

It is very critical to target and achieve higher workmanship standards and a robust, repeatable and reliable rework process for rework of BGA and bottom termination components.

Initially Published in the SMTA Proceedings


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