Technology Briefing
Technology Briefing
Brought to you by association with Audio-Tech, publishers of Tends Magazine where you'll learn about big ideas, new products, breakthrough concepts, and trailblazing technologies.
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Wireless Network Transmits Data from Microelectronic Chips
Wireless Network Transmits Data from Microelectronic Chips
A research team has developed a wireless communication network that can transmit, receive and decode data from thousands of microelectronic chips.
Technology Briefing

Carbon Dioxide and Lignin Offer Alternative to Traditional Plastic
Carbon Dioxide and Lignin Offer Alternative to Traditional Plastic
Researchers have created a potential alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastic made from carbon dioxide, plus lignin, a component of wood.
Technology Briefing

Wearable Devices to Operate Robotic Exoskeletons
Wearable Devices to Operate Robotic Exoskeletons
A team has developed a wearable, stretchy patch about the size of a BandAid, which sticks to your skin and picks up tiny signals coming from human muscles.
Technology Briefing

There Actually is an 'I' in Team
There Actually is an 'I' in Team
Robotic arms handle repetitive and precision movements. This change relieves operators of mundane work. They must adjust to the new work environment.
Technology Briefing

Implementing 3D Integration with 2D Materials
Implementing 3D Integration with 2D Materials
In a new study, researchers identify a potentially game-changing remedy: seamlessly implementing 3D integration with 2D materials.
Technology Briefing

Robots Begin to Develop Common Sense Knowledge
Robots Begin to Develop Common Sense Knowledge
MIT engineers are working to give robots a bit of “common sense” when faced with situations that push them off their trained paths.
Technology Briefing

Real-World Implementation of Robotic Exoskeletons
Real-World Implementation of Robotic Exoskeletons
Research represents a step toward real-world implementation of robotic exoskeletons designed to help humans with walking and physically demanding work.
Technology Briefing

Super-Capable Robots to Share Human Labor
Super-Capable Robots to Share Human Labor
Technology can do more jobs formerly performed by humans. This could result in AI automating tasks in the production of goods, services and ideas.
Technology Briefing

Chip Use Light Waves to Perform Math Essential to AI Training
Chip Use Light Waves to Perform Math Essential to AI Training
Engineers have developed a new chip that uses light waves, rather than electricity, to perform the complex math essential to training AI.
Technology Briefing

System to Efficiently Produce Solar Thermochemical Hydrogen
System to Efficiently Produce Solar Thermochemical Hydrogen
In a study recently published, engineers lay out the conceptual design for a system that can efficiently produce “solar thermochemical hydrogen.”
Technology Briefing