
Eliminate Worry of Cross Contamination
While Models 529 and 1550 are similar semi-automatic cleaners with single wash and rinse tanks, the Model 2003 includes 2 wash tanks for cleaning multiple applications in one machine.
Smart Sonic
Analysis Lab
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Design for Manufacture and Test Using Thermal Cycling Under Bia
Design for Manufacture and Test Using Thermal Cycling Under Bia
There are many factors contributing to electrochemical failures on electronic devices including pitch, electrical field, ionic contamination and environmental conditions.
Analysis Lab

Low Temperature SnBi Containing Solder Pastes with Lead-Free Solder Balls
Low Temperature SnBi Containing Solder Pastes with Lead-Free Solder Balls
A detailed study has been carried out on low temperature lead-free solder paste that utilizes Bi bearing alloys.
Analysis Lab

Comparing Past Board Assembly iNEMI Roadmaps to Technology Outcomes
Comparing Past Board Assembly iNEMI Roadmaps to Technology Outcomes
This project compares past board assembly roadmaps with technological outcomes, drawing conclusions on the outline and readability of the board assembly roadmaps.
Analysis Lab

PBGA Solder Stress Analyses Under Random Vibration
PBGA Solder Stress Analyses Under Random Vibration
Large size commercially available plastic ball grid array chip packaging was tested and analyzed under random vibration to assess its application feasibility on satellite electronics.
Analysis Lab

Process Control of Ionic Contamination in Assembly of Electronic Circuits
Process Control of Ionic Contamination in Assembly of Electronic Circuits
This paper reviews a testing protocol based on IPC-TM 650 2.3.25 to enable monitoring of ionic contamination within series production.
Analysis Lab

Immersion Gold Processes Used for Both ENIG and ENEPIG
Immersion Gold Processes Used for Both ENIG and ENEPIG
This paper presents a comparative study for three types of immersion golds used for both ENIG and ENEPIG deposits in the same production line.
Analysis Lab

i4.0, Are We Really Ready?
i4.0, Are We Really Ready?
This paper evaluates SMT production and inspection machines and attempts to define their potential to act as ‘smart sensors’, the first building blocks towards i4.0.
Analysis Lab

Method for Accurate PCB Impedance Simulation of Any Specific Stack-Ups
Method for Accurate PCB Impedance Simulation of Any Specific Stack-Ups
The reasons of inaccurate PCB impedance simulation of the traditional simulator and a novel and cost-effective method for accurate PCB impedance simulation are discussed.
Analysis Lab

Void Reduction Method for BTC Using Exposed Via in Pad
Void Reduction Method for BTC Using Exposed Via in Pad
The method explored in this paper regards the use of exposed via in pad. A dedicated test vehicle was designed for two types of QFN components.
Analysis Lab

Achieving Solder Reliability for LGA Ceramic Image Sensors
Achieving Solder Reliability for LGA Ceramic Image Sensors
The stencil aperture design has more influence on overcoming CTE mismatch between the ceramic LGA and the FR4 PCB than the reflow oven temperature profile cool down slope.
Analysis Lab


Plan Ahead for BGA Device Upgrades
BGA Socket Adapter Systems convert surface mount device packages to through-hole (pinned) assemblies, making it easy to plug and unplug SMT devices in the field or the test lab.
Advanced Interconnections Corp.