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Plasmatreat is an international leader in the development and manufacture of atmospheric plasma systems for the pretreatment of substrate surfaces. Whether plastic, metal, glass or paper - the industrial use of plasma technology modifies the properties of the surface in favor of the process requirements. Openair-Plasma® technology is used in automated and continuous manufacturing processes in almost every industrial sector. Examples include the automotive, electronics, transportation industry and much more. The Plasmatreat Group has technology centers in Germany, USA, Canada, China, and Japan. With its worldwide sales and service network, the company is represented in more than 30 countries by subsidiaries and sales partners.

Plasmatreat GmbH

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Keywords and Phrases
plasma pretreatment, surface treatment, surface cleaning, surface activation, atmospheric plasma, plasma coating, process reliability, high volume production, inline surface cleaning, pretreatment for sensitive electronics, high quality manufacturing, pretreatment for printed circuit boards, display bonding, clean tech, adhesion, wire bonding, display assembly, oxide layer removal, reproducible, potential-free treatment

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Press Releases
Press releases are pulled from the database at Circuitnet. SUBMIT
Contact Information
Hauptsitz Deutschland
Queller Str. 76 - 80
D-33803 Steinhagen

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