The New Standard for Cyber Security

The New Standard for Cyber Security
Productivity can be improved by implementing, catching counterfeits and counterfeiters closer in time and physical distance than ever before by taking a systematic approach.
Analysis Lab


Authored By:

Cameron Shearon


Historically, Cyber Security has been limited to software. Because of IPC 1782, IPC 2581, and IPC 2591, it is possible to know exactly what hardware is in any electronic device. Therefore, hardware can be part of the Cyber Security solution. In addition, by coupling the hardware and software Cyber Security approaches with the Framework for End to End in Situ Monitoring described in Section 9.5 of ETSI GS NFV-REL 004 V1.1.1 (2016-04), a comprehensive Cyber Security solution can be created.

Implementing IPC 1782, IPC 2581, and IPC 2591 with a very innovative labeling system within a factory and across the Supply Chain will increase yields, improve Quality, and Improve Reliability, as well as, make these items much more predictable. In addition to productivity gains, implementing these standards across the Supply Chain will fight counterfeits systematically. Because counterfeiters are opportunistic and operate in the “’dark” by surprise attacks, they are like guerilla fighters in a sense. The best way to deal with this type of “attack” is by taking a systematic approach and shining light, by sharing information, where there is currently darkness.

Combining these three IPC standards with other technologies such as innovative tagging technologies, Blockchain, The Cloud, and Big Data Tools enable unprecedented productivity gains not seen since interchangeable parts enabled the Industrial Revolution, as well as, the ability to catch counterfeits in situ before the components go through the next process step in a factory. This can be done regardless of the path taken from the original manufacturing site to the next downstream manufacturer. The true beauty of this approach is that no single entity shoulders the cost of this solution.

Variability causes yield, quality, reliability (quality over time), and product safety issues. Interchangeable parts enabled the industrial revolution because they addressed variability. What gets measured tends to get managed. This combination of tools enables a tailorable solution that is proportionate to the need and available resources. Therefore, this solution fits very well with Smart Factory/Industry 4.0, materially increases productivity, and can be utilized to create entirely new business models, as well as, a practical way to address the risk of counterfeits and Cyber Security for a very long time.


In summary, IPC-1782, IPC 2581, and IIOT provide the information that impacts customer use, as well as, quality and reliability data. IPC’s CFX enables this information to be easily collected and aggregated. Blockchain ensures those records do not change. Cloud enables easy access to that data. Big Data/Data Mining & Machine Learning/Artipaperficial Intelligence converts the data contained in the cloud to actionable and useful information and subsequently into knowledge. Productivity can be significantly improved by implementing the technologies outlined in this paper, as well as, catch counterfeits and counterfeiters much closer in time and physical distance that ever before by taking a systematic approach to deal with surprise attacks.

In addition to these key positive attributes, these tools enable a more robust opportunity to reduce the risk of Counterfeits and Cyber Security threats. Coupling these tools with the Framework for End to End in Situ Monitoring described in Section 9.5 of ETSI GS NFV-REL 004 V1.1.1 (2016-04), a comprehensive Cyber Security solution can be created.

Initially Published in the SMTA Proceedings


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