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Research & Technical Papers
Technical papers are pulled from the database at Circuitnet. SUBMIT
Research links are papers authored by your company that are hosted at Circuit Insight.
The Effects of PCB Fabrication on High-Frequency Electrical Performance
Achieving optimum high-frequency PCB performance is not only the best ...
Circuit Material Performance for PCBs at Millimeter Wave Frequencies
This paper gives an overview of which circuit material properties ...
Thermally, Electrically Conductive Adhesive to Control Heat in PCBs
Study illustrates the complexity of achieving optimum thermal and electrical ...
Insertion Loss Comparisons of High Frequency PCBs
PCBs have been used for many years in low loss, ...
The Effect of Radiation Losses on High Frequency PCB Performance
This paper is an extension of an IPC paper presented ...
New Developments in PCB Laminates
This paper outlines developments for halogen free laminate systems to ...
More Information
Rogers Corporation provides leading circuit material solutions by manufacturing high performance laminates and bondplys engineered to meet stringent customer requirements. With exceptional dielectric constant control, Rogers' specialty materials are a consistent and reliable choice for applications including 5G wireless communication, wired infrastructure, automotive radar sensors, aerospace, satellites and more.

Rogers Corporation is a global leader in engineered materials to power, protect, and connect our world. With more than 180 years of materials science experience, Rogers delivers high-performance solutions that enable clean energy, internet connectivity, and safety and protection applications, as well as other technologies where reliability is critical.

Rogers Corporation

Supplier Update Form

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Maximum file size 5 meg in .jpg, .gif, .png or .pdf format.

Keywords and Phrases
Laminate, bondply, printed circuit materials, High speed Digital, RF, Prepreg, Adhesive

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Keywords and phrases are used to improve search results.

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More Information Links
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Social Media Links
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Videos, Infographics, Charts, Images, PDF Documents
Your listings can include links to videos, PDF documents, infographics, charts or any large image containing useful information. Complete the fields below. To add additional videos, PDF documents or images to your listing, complete this form again.

Video/Image/PDF Title
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Video Path
We can link to videos hosted at YouTube, Vimeo or your website. Insert the full website path below.

Use the Logo / Image / PDF Document Upload section above to submit a logo, PDF document, infographic, chart or other image. Logos must be at least 300 pixels wide. Other images of charts, infographics etc. must be at least 600 pixels wide. Ideal image size is 600 pixels wide by 338 pixels high. Maximum file size 5 meg. Files types accepted include .jpg, .gif, .png and .pdf formats.

Video/Image Link
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Update Confirmation
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Press Releases
Press releases are pulled from the database at Circuitnet. SUBMIT
Contact Information
100 N Dobson Road
Chandler, AZ 85224

Social Media Links

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