SIR Test Method for Developing Evidence for the Production Assembly

SIR Test Method for Developing Evidence for the Production Assembly
The purpose of this paper is research on the development of temperature-humidity-bias instrumentation and test board designs forproduct acceptance.
Analysis Lab


Authored By:

Mark McMeen
STI Electronics, Madison, AL

Doug Pauls
Collins Aerospace, Cedar Rapids, IA

Mike Bixenman
KYZEN Corporation, Nashville, TN


Since the 1970s, ROSE testing was used to determine "clean enough." In 2015, the J-STD-001 committee assigned a team to develop the next generation of "cleanliness" requirements. Section 8 defines the key concepts that drove the need for developing new cleanliness requirements.


A qualified manufacturing process requires assemblers to qualify solderingand cleaning processes that result in acceptable levels of flux and other residues. This paper reported research on both test boards and instrumentation for use at the assembly site. The instrument and test board combinations are tools that process engineers and line personnel can use to develop objective evidence as it relates to the cleanliness of production hardware.

Initially Published in the SMTA Proceedings


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