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Quantum Computers Break Encryption
Quantum Computers Break Encryption
When quantum computers are fully developed, they will break much of today's encryption whose security is only based on mathematical assumptions.
Technology Briefing
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Humanity is locked in a "technology arms race" of sorts. When quantum computers are fully developed, they will break much of today's encryption whose security is only based on mathematical assumptions. To pre-emptively address this, scientists are working on new ways of communicating through large networks that don't rely on assumptions, but instead use the quantum laws of physics to ensure security.  That means those laws of nature would need to be broken to hack the encryption.

According to a recent study by University College London, Oxford University and the University of Edinburgh published in Physical Review Letters, a new way of communicating securely between three or more quantum devices, irrespective of who built them, has been developed. This approach works for a general network because users don't need to trust the manufacturer of the device or network for secrecy to be guaranteed.  This method works by using the network's structure to limit what an eavesdropper can learn.

The approach bridges the gap between the theoretical promise of perfect security guaranteed by the laws of quantum physics and the practical implementation of such security in large networks. It tests the security of the quantum devices prior to engaging in communications with the whole network.  It does this by checking if the correlations between devices in the network are intrinsically quantum and cannot have been created by another means.

These correlations are used to establish secret keys which can be used to encrypt any desired communication.  Security is ensured by the unique property that quantum correlations can only be shared between the devices that created them, ensuring no hacker can ever come to learn the key.

The team used two methods - machine learning and causal inference - to develop the test for the un-hackable communications system.  This approach distributes secret keys in a way that cannot be effectively intercepted, because through quantum mechanics their secrecy can be tested and guaranteed.

This work can be thought of as creating the software that will run on hardware currently being built to realize the potential of quantum communications.  In future work, the team would like to work with partners in the UK national quantum technologies program to develop it further. They hope to extensively prove the quantum network approach over the next few years.

The team acknowledge that an un-hackable network could be abused in the same way that current networks are but highlight that there is also a benefit for ensuring privacy.  

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